Infrastructure and tools
- The ferry terminal of the port of Calais covers 120 hectares consisting of the historic cross-Channel platform (Calais 1) and the new extension (Calais 2). Loading/unloading operations take place indiscriminately on one or the other platform. Since its commissioning in October 2021, entering and exiting the ferry terminal takes place through the new port.
It has 8 berths: P5, P6, P7, P8 and P9 in the historic port, and P10, P11 and P12 in the new port. They are equipped with double-deck gangways allowing the loading/unloading of the 2 decks of ships simultaneously. These gangways can simultaneously accommodate 8 ships up to 240 m on Calais 2 and 213 m on Calais 1.
Bassin du Président Henri Ravisse (East dock)
- Deepwater quay for Panamax vessels (dredgable to -12.50 m)
- Storage: 2 silos (capacity: 60,000 tonnes and 7,000 tonnes)
- Services: support vessels (mooring, piloting, sea rescue, etc.).
- The Boulogne-sur-Mer facility has a Ro-Ro terminal unassigned to an operator at present.
Built in 2010, this terminal has:
- offices
- open storage areas capable of receiving heavy cargo;
- check points for receiving lines excluded from the Schengen agreement;
- a translatable two-lane double-deck linkspan capable of berthing all types of car ferries and ferry-boats up to a maximum length of 210 metres.
The combinet transport hub
The quayage of the East Port (Calais facility) is connected directly to the national rail network, thus allowing the simultaneous reception alongside the quay of two train sets 750 metres long. The sidings have also been designed for combined transport. There are two tracks to enable the movement of an RTG crane.
- Surface area: 30 hectares.
- Handling: 3 single-deck RoRo linkspans T1, T4.
- Capacity: 200+ m / 140 m / 120 m.
- Services: support vessels (mooring, piloting, sea rescue, etc.).
- T4: Ro-Ro vessels 180 m long; draught 9 m.
- T1: 130-metre vessels; draught 7 m.
These 3 linkspans lead to 25 hectares of quayage. These port facilities are fully serviced and fitted out to receive unitised traffic: trailers (unaccompanied freight), containers (45’).
The rail motorway hub
The rail motorway hub is operated by VIIA (a subsidiary of SNCF Logistics). It allows the rail transport and transhipment of trailers, cranable (P400) or not, using the Lohr Industrie technology.
VIIA performs several journeys per day. The service offers a transport frequency reflecting the ferries' organisation for an integrated Ro-Ro rail service.
Trailers coming from or destined for the rail superhighway are not limited to maritime transhipment. They can take the road or come from it freely without any specific constraints.
VIIA proposes 4 rail motorway services: (nearly 30 departures/week - daily services)
- Calais - Le Boulou (Perpignan -FR)
- Calais - Orbassano (Turin - IT) (temporarily suspended)
- Calais - Mâcon (Lyon - FR)
- Calais - Sète (FR)
At the Calais facility, operations can be carried out in three different docks, including a wet dock. The terminals are multi-user.
- The sugar terminal covers an area of more than 1 hectare.
The north quay of the Henri Ravisse dock has two silos with a total capacity of 67,000 tonnes for the storage and handling of sugar (a bagging unit and a ship unloader).
- The cabler terminal covers an area of 2150 m².
The south quay of the Henri Ravisse dock is equipped with a specialised linkspan for loading submarine cables. The linkspan is powered by an underground duct directly connecting the dock to the Alcatel Lucent production unit in the immediate vicinity of the port.
- The Carnot wet dock, restricted by the hours of the tides, serves as a berth for small bulk cargo (petroleum coke, estuary sand, rockfill, pumice), conventional cargo (electrodes) and Ro-Ro cargo (trailers transporting live animals).
- Length: 1200 m of quays.
- Capacity: Lock dimensions length 113.5 m, width 21 m.
- Handling: 2 mobile 40-tonne cranes, 2 x 12-tonne cranes.
- The Paul Devot quay (inner harbour) serves as a berth for cruise ships and general cargo
- Length: 190 m, draught: 9 m.
- Capacity: 1 berth.
- Handling: 2 15-tonne cranes.
- Storage: 5,000 m² warehouse.
At the Boulogne-sur-Mer facility, the trade area consists of:
- a quay 700 metres long, underwater depth 11 metres, channel restricted to 7.20 m;
- 2 open storage areas on the quayside for cargo forwarding;
- 3 warehouses on the quayside;
- 2 covered yards to the rear;
- 4 warehouses to the rear.
This represents almost 60,000 m² of covered storage. The location is enclosed, with access control.
- 2 30T cranes on the quay.